
We have a history of co-creating exciting and dynamic projects. This has included working with schools, community groups, NHS and with residents of social housing. Previous projects have included:

The Moor’s in Motion

A year long residency with residents of the Moors estate Cheltenham, which resulted in creative programmes for families, adults and children which culminated in an after dark parade and event.

Flash Floss Feast

Young people conducted a creative mapping exercise of their area, resulting in then reclaiming an unused Underpass and hosting exhibitions, dance, film and feasting events.

Places of Welcome

Over 40 community groups contributed to an installation in central Birmingham creating a welcoming and contemplative space.

Common Ground

Young people from an estate and a more affluent area collaborated on a film and event which celebrated both – very different – communities with a one off event in Montpelier Park, Cheltenham.

Details of further projects available upon request.